Welcome - Zanzibar City College

Certificate in Food Production.

Course Description

Back-end development is called server-side development. It focuses on databases, programming, and website architecture. Backend developers work closely with the front-end team to deliver the final product.

If you are working in the software world, you know this field is ever-changing and rewards those who can adapt and keep their skills fresh. It’s up to you to climb to the next level – we can help with the most up-to-date training in the industry!

Explore Our Courses Bellow

After completing this course you will learn how to:

  • Handle and ensure accessibility and security compliance such as user authentication and access control for an application working at the back-end
  • Develop web applications with ReactJS and deploy these apps to popular servers
  • Develop APIs including database support and deploy these APIs to popular servers
  • Design and use a database and integrate this database with APIs and Applications
  • Develop applications with Python by using Django Framework running at the back-end

Students typically complete their studies within 12 weeks. You are in charge of how long it takes to complete our catering course. With no assignment deadlines to meet, you decide how quickly you graduate.

If you want to finish the learning programme as soon as possible, you can fast track it and graduate within a matter of months. Alternatively, you can take your time. We allow up to three years to graduate from this course.

Our catering course leads to the awarding of a Certificate. This qualification recognizes the graduate’s capacity for initiative and judgement across a broad range of technical and management functions. Graduate holders typically have personal responsibility and autonomy (semi-independence) in performing technical operations or organizing others in the workplace.

Requirement and Terms

No Required prerequisite but should be able to use keyboard and mouse and knows how to manipulate files such as creating, saving, moving and renaming files

Please ensure that “ALL PAYMENTS” due for the university are paid through the bank for safety and convenience.


Bank Name: CRDB Bank PLC

Account Number: CRDB Bank PLC

Account Name: Zanzibar City College


1. Direct Payment: This is payment made by directly depositing all fees straight into our bank account through any PBZ Bank near you. Please return the Bank Slip to the College Account Office after making a deposit. It will be used as proof of payment.

2. Mobile Payment: This is payment made to the College PBZ Bank account through mobile money services, be it M-Pesa, Tigo Pesa or Airtel Money. Please DO NOT DELETE the completion message after the transaction completes for it is to be used as proof of payment at the College Account Offices


Eligible students are required to complete the Student Instalment Payment Note enrolment process on line. The enrolment period opens when registration begins and ends the second Friday of a term.

The Online Installment Payment Plan enables students to pay the term tuition, fees, and housing charges less any aid disbursed, over THREE equal installments during the semester. An online agreement between the student and Teachers College must be electronically completed on the ZCC portal

  • A payment of 1/3 of their total charges is required on line (electronic check or bank/credit card) to complete the enrolment process in the payment plan.
  • The remaining balance of tuition is to be paid in two instalments by the required payment dates.

Email notifications are sent to the email address on file before each instalment payment date. Students need to keep their email address current with Zanzibar Career Institute.

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